Discover the perfect balance of wellness and beauty with our health treatments and cosmetic injectables!
What we do
We are Melbourne's premier choice for:
* Skin Rejuvenation & Cosmetic Injections
* Hyperhidrosis (Excessiveive Sweating) treatment
* Bruxism (Teeth Grinding) Treatment
Wrinkle Reduction
Our Wrinkle Reduction Treatments are designed to reduce the signs of aging and rejuvenate your appearance. Over time, expressions like smiling and frowning can lead to tense muscles, resulting in lines and wrinkles. Our treatment target these areas, relaxing the muscles and smoothing out the skin, restoring a youthful, radiant look.
Skin Boosters
Skinboosters is an injectable product intended for the restoration of dull, damaged skin. Skin Boosters are an injectable hyaluronic acid that acts as an internal moisturiser to hydrate the skin, improve the skin quality and give the skin an overall ‘boost’. The injectable also improves the skin’s elasticity, firmness and radiance by stimulating natural collagen production (we begin to lose collagen from age 30!).
Volume Enhancement
As we age, our skin naturally loses volume, leading to a less vibrant appearance. This process can affect areas like the lips, cheeks, and eyes, resulting in sagging, wrinkles, and other signs of aging. Volume Enhancement Treatments offer a solution by restoring lost volume, rejuvenating your features for a more youthful look.
LED Light Therapy
Relax and rejuvenate as you bask in the soothing glow of our advanced PDT LED Photodynamic treatment. This advanced therapy promotes healing, clears problem skin, and enhances the appearance of your skin, leaving it looking more refined and revitalized.
Hyperhidrosis (Excessive Sweating) Treatment
Excessive sweating in itself doesn’t affect your health, but it can affect your quality of life. Aside from potentially being physically uncomfortable, it can affect people’s social lives, work, relationships and level of confidence.
Our anti-sweat injections treat hyperhidrosis by blocking the chemical signals from the nerves that stimulate sweat glands in the affected area. This significantly reduces the production of sweat in the treated areas.